package demos.datafx; import io.datafx.controller.context.ViewContext; import io.datafx.controller.flow.FlowContainer; import io.datafx.controller.flow.container.AnimatedFlowContainer; import io.datafx.controller.flow.container.ContainerAnimations; import javafx.animation.KeyFrame; import javafx.animation.Timeline; import javafx.scene.Node; import javafx.scene.SnapshotParameters; import javafx.scene.image.Image; import javafx.scene.image.ImageView; import javafx.scene.image.WritableImage; import javafx.scene.layout.StackPane; import javafx.scene.paint.Color; import javafx.util.Duration; import java.util.List; import java.util.function.Function; /** * A {@link FlowContainer} that supports animation for the view change. */ public class ExtendedAnimatedFlowContainer extends AnimatedFlowContainer implements FlowContainer<StackPane> { private final StackPane view; private final Duration duration; private Function<AnimatedFlowContainer, List<KeyFrame>> animationProducer; private Timeline animation; private final ImageView placeholder; /** * Defaults constructor that creates a container with a fade animation that last 320 ms. */ public ExtendedAnimatedFlowContainer() { this(Duration.millis(320)); } /** * Creates a container with a fade animation and the given duration. * * @param duration the duration of the animation */ public ExtendedAnimatedFlowContainer(Duration duration) { this(duration, ContainerAnimations.FADE); } /** * Creates a container with the given animation type and duration. * * @param duration the duration of the animation * @param animation the animation type */ public ExtendedAnimatedFlowContainer(Duration duration, ContainerAnimations animation) { this(duration, animation.getAnimationProducer()); } /** * Creates a container with the given animation type and duration. * * @param duration the duration of the animation * @param animationProducer the {@link KeyFrame} instances that define the animation */ public ExtendedAnimatedFlowContainer(Duration duration, Function<AnimatedFlowContainer, List<KeyFrame>> animationProducer) { this.view = new StackPane(); this.duration = duration; this.animationProducer = animationProducer; placeholder = new ImageView(); placeholder.setPreserveRatio(true); placeholder.setSmooth(true); } public void changeAnimation(ContainerAnimations animation) { this.animationProducer = animation.getAnimationProducer(); } @Override public <U> void setViewContext(ViewContext<U> context) { updatePlaceholder(context.getRootNode()); if (animation != null) { animation.stop(); } animation = new Timeline(); animation.getKeyFrames().addAll(animationProducer.apply(this)); animation.getKeyFrames().add(new KeyFrame(duration, (e) -> clearPlaceholder()));; } /** * Returns the {@link ImageView} instance that is used as a placeholder for the old view in each navigation * animation. * * @return image view place holder */ public ImageView getPlaceholder() { return placeholder; } /** * Returns the duration for the animation. * * @return the duration for the animation */ public Duration getDuration() { return duration; } public StackPane getView() { return view; } private void clearPlaceholder() { view.getChildren().remove(placeholder); } private void updatePlaceholder(Node newView) { if (view.getWidth() > 0 && view.getHeight() > 0) { SnapshotParameters parameters = new SnapshotParameters(); parameters.setFill(Color.TRANSPARENT); Image placeholderImage = view.snapshot(parameters, new WritableImage((int) view.getWidth(), (int) view.getHeight())); placeholder.setImage(placeholderImage); placeholder.setFitWidth(placeholderImage.getWidth()); placeholder.setFitHeight(placeholderImage.getHeight()); } else { placeholder.setImage(null); } placeholder.setVisible(true); placeholder.setOpacity(1.0); view.getChildren().setAll(placeholder, newView); placeholder.toFront(); } }